A SoNg fRom F@Y
Sinar di wajahmu
Cahaya yang pernah ada
Kilatan yang pernah ada
Di mataku
Gelak tawamu
Tutupi risau hatiku
Ceria_kan hidup ini
Ceria_kan hari ini
Dikala hilang tawaku
Kembangkan sayapmu
Tutupi dunia
Ku yakin kau kan dapat meraih bintang diangkasa
Hingga kau lelah
Hingga kau tertidur
Alunan laguku ini..
he said when you have already covered the world, please remember the sand that left behind, I.
the one i love most
the one that i always can turn to
the one that i trust
the one who always be there for me
the one that i can share everything
the one who always teach me life
the one who always deny that we have the same path :p
We used to be a lover, once
Now.. We are a very best friend and a great patner