
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Year 2007

phiiiiuuuh.... dah taun 2007 ni...
ga berasa ya.. cepet bgt taun 2006 dah abis lagi...
many things up & down in 2006
career.. love life.. family..
made me become a very rich person, in life
ga ada pilihan yg salah menurut gw, cuma hasil yg mgkn ga sesuai dan bikin diri ga comfort
at least gw jadi tau mana yg baik dan kurang baik buat gw
take a lesson from every decision i made...
there were some regrets, there were some happiness, there were some sadness
there were lossing some friends, there were some new friends...

goal taun 2007 ini apa ya???
pengen :
- be a better person
- be a better daughter
- be a better sister
- hal2/sifat2 yg bisa bikin rugi diri sndr harus dikurangin
- emosi harus bisa diredam lagi
- karir yg lebih ok lagi (pindah kerja klo bisa)
- find "the one" for spending life (^_^)
- more patient
- ga sering nge-gosip lagi ('duh rada berat klo dah ngumpul ma ibu2 euy.. :-S )
- lebih rajin nabung
- lebih nahan diri ga laper mata, yg buntutnya blanja-blanji ga jelas
- belajar "mendengarkan" orang

start from the small things to get the big one

Ayo Semangat!!!!!! :))